Design customer-centric solutions to complex hurdles

Sales & Service Performance

Optimal sales and service performance directly correlate with customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business profitability, underlining their crucual role in sustainable success.

Sales and Service Performance refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's activities related to both selling products or services and delivering customer service. It involves optimizing various processes and strategies to enhance the overall customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty.

In the context of sales, performance is measured by the success of selling efforts, including factors like lead conversion rates, sales revenue, and customer acquisition. On the service side, performance is assessed based on how well an organization meets customer needs, resolves issues, and maintains high service quality.

Essentially, Sales and Service Performance is a holistic approach that considers the entire customer journey — from initial interaction to post-purchase support. Organizations that prioritize and excel in Sales and Service Performance are better positioned to build lasting customer relationships, drive repeat business, and ultimately achieve sustainable success in the market.

We have summarized the most common challenges and possible solutions for you in a brief FAQ.

How often should performance reviews be conducted and what metrics are commonly used to measure performance?

The frequency of performance reviews depends on organizational needs. Metrics may include key performance indicators (KPIs) related to individual, team, and organizational goals, as well as qualitative assessments.

Our approach: We believe in a customized approach to performance measurement, utilizing KPIs specifically tailored to your unique circumstances. As we consistently monitor these indicators, improvements become visible and measurable, offering a clear and quantifiable representation of your progress and success.

What is the role of process performance in organizational success?

Process performance ensures that workflows are efficient, effective, and aligned with business objectives, ultimately contributing to overall success. A commitment to optimizing processes reflects a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the ability to navigate the complexities of a dynamic business environment.

Our approach:  Commencing with an on-site analysis, we assess your current processes, followed by the selection of tailored coaching or consulting packages. Progress is measured through carefully chosen Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), wrapping up with a final presentation of results and future recommendations..

How can businesses align sales goals with overall business objectives?

Aligning sales goals with overall business objectives requires a focused strategy, especially in an increasingly complex business environment. Businesses can achieve this alignment by increasing performance in selected areas through a structured consulting approach that supports them in attaining lasting success.

Our approach: Leveraging our expertise across all distribution levels, we offer comprehensive end-to-end solutions, from conception to on-site implementation. By crafting a unique and data-based strategy including a company tailored KPI system, we diligently track progress, ensuring a smooth and timely implementation, and conclude with a clear handover for sustained success.

How can sales performance be enhanced in a competitive market?

Enhancing sales performance in a competitive market necessitates a comprehensive and multi-faceted strategy that prioritizes customer-centricity. Strategies may include effective sales training, targeted marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and data analytics.

Our approach: We elevate your sales performance by leveraging available data to pinpoint areas for improvement and define the desired future state. Once the necessary consulting or coaching approach is determined, we track it through a customized set of KPIs and ensure not only a smooth implementation but also its sustainability, securing future competitiveness.

Why is optimizing customer service important for businesses and how can they improve after-sales support?

Optimizing customer service is paramount for businesses as it directly influences customer satisfaction and post-sales loyalty and can lead to positive word-of-mouth, contributing to business growth. A strategic approach involves proactive measures, continuous improvement, investment in customer service training, and leveraging technology to prioritize customer satisfaction across the entire customer journey.

Our approach: We specialize in customer service and after-sales optimization, transforming it into a competitive advantage for long-term success. Our services center around the needs of dealers, with our coaches engaging in direct exchanges with retail through various initiatives (e.g. Professional lead tracking, smart video communication, etc.) Placing the customer at the core of our strategy, we ensure a customer-focused journey that drives enduring success.

What defines a "Dealer of the Future"?

A "Dealer of the Future" is characterized by a skillful and elegant response to the challenges posed by digitalization, urbanization, and individualization in the evolving business landscape. This strategic approach focuses on leveraging these transitions as economic opportunities, ensuring the long-term sustainability of retail businesses by embracing innovation and empowering dealers to navigate and thrive in the dynamic market environment.

Our approach: We design the dealer of the future strategy in co-creation with respective experts across companies and by thoroughly analyzing current business performance, identifying key customer journey touchpoints and collaborating with experts. The outcome is a strategically oriented business with diversified revenue streams, improved customer experiences, and enduring customer relationships.

How can businesses optimize their partner and dealer networks and which coaching strategies are effective?

Businesses can optimize their partner and dealer networks through strategic coaching and network optimization initiatives. By providing targeted coaching to partners and dealers, addressing their specific needs and challenges and implementing systematic network optimization processes, businesses can enhance collaboration, improve efficiency, and drive overall success within their partner ecosystem.

Effective coaching strategies include personalized training programs, continuous performance feedback, and collaborative problem-solving sessions. Encouraging open communication, fostering a culture of mutual learning, and providing resources for skill development are also crucial components to ensure the effectiveness of coaching strategies in enhancing the overall performance of partner and dealer networks.

Explore our offerings 


Performance Management Programs

Unlock your team's full potential with our Performance Management Programs. Elevate productivity, foster growth, and achieve unparalleled success. Ready to optimize your performance?



Streamline operations, enhance efficiency and drive sustainable success. Diescover and unlock your business's full potential!

Customer Service & After Sales Optimization

Ensure customer satisfaction, resolve issues seamlessly, and build lasting relationships. Elevate your customer service journey today!


Sales Performance


Boost revenue, enhance customer acquisition, and drive success in every deal. Explore how our tailored strategies can elevate your sales performance.


Business Performance


Optimize strategies, align goals, and achieve sustainable success. Transform your business performance—explore our tailored solutions and thrive in today's dynamic market!.


Dealer of the Future


Embrace innovation, enhance customer experiences, and redefine dealership success. Discover how our forward-thinking solutions can shape the future of your dealership.

A comprehensive Sales and Service Performance strategy integrates various components to ensure a holistic approach to customer engagement and satisfaction. The key components of such a strategy include:

It summarises the following key components:
Customer-Centric Approach:
  • Understanding and segmenting the target audience.
  • Personalizing interactions based on customer preferences and needs.
Service Quality Excellence:
  • Establishing and maintaining high service quality standards.
  • Implementing effective customer service training for staff.
  • Proactively addressing customer issues and feedback.
Technology Integration
  • Utilizing customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
  • Implementing sales and service automation tools.
  • Leveraging analytics for performance insights and decision-making.
Cross-Functional Collaboration:
  • Fostering collaboration between sales, service, marketing, and other relevant departments.
  • Ensuring seamless communication and coordination across teams.
Customer Feedback Mechanisms:
  • Implementing systems for collecting and analyzing customer feedback.
  • Using feedback to make improvements and address areas of concern.
Incentive Programs:
  • Implementing performance-based incentive programs for sales and service teams.
  • Recognizing and rewarding high performers to boost morale and motivation.
Sales Performance Optimization:
  • Setting clear sales goals and targets.
  • Implementing effective sales training programs.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating sales strategies.
After-Sales Support and Engagement:
  • Developing a robust after-sales support system.
  • Providing effective customer support and technical assistance.
  • Implementing strategies for customer retention and loyalty.
Performance Metrics and KPIs:
  • Defining and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) for sales and service.
  • Regularly assessing and analyzing performance metrics.
  • Using data-driven insights to make informed decisions.
Continuous Improvement Culture:
  • Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating processes based on feedback and performance data.
Training and Development Programs:
  • Providing ongoing training for sales and service teams.
  • Keeping teams updated on industry trends and best practices.
Regulatory Compliance:
  • Ensuring that all sales and service activities comply with relevant regulations.
  • Staying informed about industry standards and legal requirements.


By integrating these components into a cohesive strategy, organizations can create a comprehensive Sales and Service Performance plan that not only drives immediate results but also establishes a foundation for long-term success and customer satisfaction.

Why rpc?

We overcome the hurdles of true customer centricity


of all customers value seamless customer experiences and are willing to pay more for them.

 *Source: Forbes meta research, 2020


However, 70% of all transformation processes fail in their final stages.

*Source: McKinsey, 2019

With rpc you get access to an internationally 
experienced network of experts...

> 430

international experts

> 13.500 

process steps recorded and reported

> 800 

tools and best practices, to guarantee sustainable change



So... how can we help you?


We’re ready to kick-start your
customer-centric transformation

Markus Kirchner