Telekom Fachmarkt Concept


The Challenge
The main focus was to reuse existing furniture and revive it in a new context to become sustainable and fair at the same time. New arrangements of furniture create a completely new spatial situation and scenography. Cozy and homely elements are integrated, which transfer a new feeling of the space. Customer will feel like home and be able to relax as if they were in their own living-room. Small details such as decorative elements or lighting support this homely atmosphere. This comfortable sense of well-being leaves a long-lasting emotional impression on the customer. It encourages the customer to linger longer and t engage even better with the products and the brand itself.
The design concept & storytelling

Adjustable design for all sizes



Floorplan configuration

The design
Our concept can be adapted to different sizes and shapes of any floorplans.
We created a place that makes the brand unmistakable and creates a direct recognition value. The color magenta cannot be overlooked in any environment and literally attracts customers to the shop area.